Things were crazy at the shore. Family, parties, and very good lookin’ badge checkers dominated the trip and while it was fun, I’m glad to be back home. And glad to be back into baseball cards, although I want resume trading and posting until Monday when my summer assignment for school is due (yeah, that sucks).
However, there is still a lot to catch up on. For one, the
Rookie Card Challenge officially ended August 1. This was my first contest in the blogosphere and I think it went successfully. I met a lot of new people and discovered a lot of new blogs, and For Card’s Sake saw much exposure from the contest. I’d like to thank everyone that participated in the challenge... you guys are awesome!
Now originally I said I would pick the winner based on what I thought was the best entry. Realizing how biased and unfair that sounds, I decided to go the old fashioned way… randomizing.

Congratulations to SpastikMooss of the
Great Sports Name Hall of Fame for winning the first ever contest on For Card's Sake! Please email me for your address and what you collect so I can send you something nice. Thanks again to everybody that participated and in the future if I trade with anyone that took a part in the challenge, I’ll throw in some nice stuff as a thanks for being involved.
Whew. So that’s done. What else is there to do? Oh, right, trading. I want to make an emphasis on trying to turn more trades with my fellow bloggers. I tried some trading on Beckett and while all my experiences were fine, a lot of complaints have been going on about people not sending their end of the bargain, slow shipping, or damaged cards. I can’t deal with that crap. There are a few people I’ll probably trade with again through the site, but for the most part my trading will be with bloggers. I have a lot of doubles of cards of all teams, so I’ll get my face out there and start trading with many more people.
The budget will be shifted around as well. I’ve grown interested in a few more things besides baseball cards. I’m hoping to get season tickets for the Nets this year (for the record, I am a Sixers fan, but traveling to Newark from where I live is much easier than going to Philly) along with enhancing my DVD collection and adding more memorabilia to the mancave. Baseball cards are going to have to take a back seat for a little bit.
However, I will devote every penny of my baseball card money to one set, and one set only. It’s a new challenge… not to the bloggers, but to myself. More details coming up on the most ultimate task I’ll try to accomplish. Stay tuned.